Saturday, January 29, 2011

Taipei airport Prayer rooms

The prayer rooms: Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, were empty. The Muslim one had a men's and women's section (different corners). It just occurred to me - there wasn't one for Hindus!! Why not?


  1. RE: prayer rooms.. no HINDU! Esp strange considering the heavy presence of Hindu dancers in airports in the 80's and 90's : ).

  2. Just consider they only had one room for everybody back in the 70's.....

  3. Recently i was taking photographs near indian temple and overheard the chants "namo..... namo...", which we find in buddhists chants. Considering buddha origins.
    Im a buddhist, sometimes i visit church because i like the structures. When im inside, i pay my respect to Jesus, the cross. I look around, admiring the architecture .... sometimes i close my eyes. I chant a little in my mind and i pray for wonderful things for all sentient beings.

    I like to ask of your permission to use your photo in my fb page ~A different kind of Journey. I was hoping i can find a pic on the internet of the taiwan airport prayers room, and kept scolling down almost giving up and Finally i found it. I like to continue my facebook Page to be not just as buddhist.
    Khen Sooriyan. My real name is ken, K(h)en is in Tibetan, Sooriyan is in india tamil (Sanskrit).
